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We would like to inform you that as of 25 May 2018 Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (the ?General Data Protection Regulation? or ?GDPR?) will replace the effective laws throughout Europe and in all sectors as regards the regulation of data protection issues. As a consequence, it is no longer Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information, but the GDPR that will be governing primarily in Hungary as far as data protection issues are concerned. Having regard to this, the Association will also amend the provisions of its Data Protection Statement (DPS).

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy 2018. május 25-től az Európai Parlament és a Tanács (EU) 2016/679 rendelete (továbbiakban: Általános Adatvédelmi Rendelet vagy GDPR) az adatvédelmi kérdések szabályozása tekintetében Európa szerte és minden szektorban felváltja a hatályos jogszabályokat. Ennek következtében Magyarországon adatvédelmi kérdésekben elsősorban már nem az információs önrendelkezési jogról és az információszabadságról szóló 2011. évi CXII. törvény lesz az irányadó, hanem a GDPR. A fentiekre tekintettel az Egyesület 2018. május 25-i hatállyal módosítja az Adatvédelmi Tájékoztató (AT) rendelkezéseit.


Be a member and take the advantage of participating in our
activities! How to apply for the
Buddies Social Club membership?

The membership fee for ordinary members are free of charge and for associated members is 6,000 HUF/year
(valid from January 1, until December 31).

To see details about the registration process please visit the Registration page.



Ordinary members

The employees of any Subsidiaries and the expatriate employees may become ordinary members. A condition of ordinary membership is that the prospective member shall declare his/her intention of joining the

Association by completing and signing the entrance declaration, recognize the Association's Statutes as binding on himself/herself, pay the annual or biannual Association membership fee and gain admission as a member on the basis of the decision of the Management Committee.

Associated members

The direct relatives of ordinary members (spouse, common-law-spouse and children) and anyone who is admitted by the Management Committee as an associated member following individual deliberation may become associated members. Entrepreneurs, temporary employees and the former employees of subsidiaries may be admitted as associated members by the Management Committee.

All domestic and foreign natural persons, legal entities and unincorporated associations who wish to promote the democratic operation of the Association and the enforcement of the members' rights and obligations in harmony with the Association's objectives may become associated members, provided that the natural person in question is not prohibited from engagement in public affairs.

A condition of associated membership is that the applicant shall declare his/her intention of joining the Association by completing and signing the entrance declaration, satisfactorily verify his/her/its identity, recognize the Association's Statues as binding on himself/herself/itself, pay the annual or biannual Association membership fee and gain admission as an associated member on the basis of the decision of the Management Committee.

The refusal of an application for admission shall not prevent the applicant from repeatedly filing an application for admission following such refusal.

Associated members shall have no right of voting and may not be elected as office holders.

Honorary members

The Management Committee may propose the appointment of honorary members to the General Meeting.

All domestic and foreign natural persons entitled to engage in public affairs may become honorary members who pay the annual or biannual Association membership fee and gain admission as honorary members on the basis of the decision of the Association's General Meeting and who accept the proposed honorary membership in a declaration.

Honorary members shall have no right of voting and may not be elected as office holders.


Our main objectives are to promote, support and encourage social, charitable, sports and cultural activities/events for all employees.